Live At Laughton Lodge

Our intentional co-housing community has a diverse group of individuals who want space, nature, neighbours and a connected lifestyle for ourselves and our children.

We aim to balance our private family lives with our chosen responsibilities.

Each month we attend a meeting where we make decisions about budgets and expenditure.

Most people choose to belong to a subgroup that they enjoy, such as maintenance, land or lettings. This means they get the benefit of 23 acres of land and other spaces, without having to maintain it alone.

One Sunday a month, we like to do the big jobs together, which gives us chance to bond with those we might not see.

Every Friday evening there is a pot luck supper for anyone who feels like eating with others.

But the real glue of Laughton Lodge is when we when we help each other out with babysitting, lifts, animals, shopping, parties, advice and friendship.

With around 70 residents, as a home owner at Laughton Lodge you get instant neighbours, more land than when buying alone, and there’s usually someone to lend a hand or a glass of wine. Learning how to get along with different people gives you new skills and a broader outlook on life.

Properties range in size from the four detached wooden houses to some extensive properties in the three former hospital villas, to smaller single storey and 2 bedroom flats.

When properties come up for sale, the vendor gains the support of an internal sales team so you have several points of contact, should you wish to get to know your neighbours first.

Prices tend to be in line with other similar types of properties in the area and slightly cheaper than those in neighbouring Lewes.


While we do not have long term homes to rent, some individuals do share their homes with people who rent rooms from them through private arrangements.

We welcome people lodging in this way to take an active part in the community as a non-director.

We don’t currently have any rental/lodger availabilities, but feel free to contact us and request to be added to our list should something become available.

Our experience

Living in a co-housing space is a unique and rewarding experience.

We hold a collective vision about neighbourliness and what it is to share some resources and space. Thanks to the mix of people and the beautiful place in which we live, serendipitous things happen which are fun and funny and memorable, and which enrich our lives in ways we could never have imagined.

The children develop social and democratic skills and are exposed to a wide variety of events and people.

Our total is far greater than the sum of our parts.

Our Vision

I want to live in a community that provides a safe, welcoming, creative and precious environment to its residents, children and those from outside.

One where everyone has a role and willingly contributes to the care of our children, each other, land, buildings and processes.

A community that runs its business efficiently, wisely and responsibly, but above all knowing that there is a greater good in being and working together in community.